Chris Ritke is thinking and writing...

...about this and that and some other things...

Thursday, July 21, 2005

I am not a company. I am a human being.

Several notes to self:

I am not a company. I am a human being.

I am not a company. I am a human being.

I am not a company. I am a human being.

I am not a company. I am a human being.

I am not a company. I am a human being.

I am not a company. I am a human being.

I am not a company. I am a human being.

I am not a company. I am a human being.

I am not a company. I am a human being.


Imagine a world where everyone was constantly learning, a world where what you wondered was more interesting than what you knew, and curiosity counted for more than certain knowledge. Imagine a world where what you gave away was more valuable than what you held back, where joy was not a dirty word, where play was not forbidden after your eleventh birthday. Imagine a world in which the business of business was to imagine worlds people might actually want to live in someday. Imagine a world created by the people, for the people not perishing from the earth forever.



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