...about this and that and some other things...
posted by Chris Ritke @ 11:14 PM
At Friday, August 18, 2006 9:06:00 PM, steven edward streight said…
Here's the error message I get when I click on the 49 Media sidebar button ("invoced" = invoked?):Non-virtual call to of the following errors occured: * You invoced There is no web server at this address. * Your web browser is outdated (e.g. IE 2) and cannot correctly call virtual web servers. Please install a more advanced web browser. * The web server you invoced is being installed or maintained. Please check again later.
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At Friday, August 18, 2006 9:06:00 PM,
steven edward streight said…
Here's the error message I get when I click on the 49 Media sidebar button ("invoced" = invoked?):
Non-virtual call to
One of the following errors occured:
* You invoced There is no web server at this address.
* Your web browser is outdated (e.g. IE 2) and cannot correctly call virtual web servers. Please install a more advanced web browser.
* The web server you invoced is being installed or maintained. Please check again later.
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