Chris Ritke is thinking and writing...

...about this and that and some other things...

Friday, June 23, 2006

Some photos from Berlin

From Mindcaster:

Mmmmmhhhh - that was yummy!

Btw - I'm back in California. Yeah.

Monday, June 19, 2006

In Berlin: A Video

Hey - I'm at the WeAllSpeakFootball appartment here in Berlin, this is sooooo cool. Check out the video (go ahead : click on it!)

Watch the Video

Friday, June 16, 2006

I've never been interested in Soccer, but....

... check this out:

I'm heading over to Berlin on Monday to check this out... maybe I can be a soccer fan after all - if only for a day.

In Germany

Yeah yeah yeah. In Germany again. But hey - the weather is great, everybody's got German flags flying on their cars - there is just such a World Cup buzz going on here I can't believe it.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Yeah! Vloggercon

Wow. This was a great weekend. I got to meet some of the coolest people. One highlights for me were meeting J.A. del Rosario and Cristina Cordova of Chasing Windmills fame - they are as exceptional in person as they are in their videoblog.

Holland Wilde was there two - he showed an absolutely awesome video that just totally blew me away - Damn - I wish I could find a link to it somewhere. He's such a great guy - sorry, photo is private!

And I finally got to meet Josh Leo - another wonderful person. If you get a chance to see him as Lyle - hey - what can I say, he's awesome!

And all the other wonderful people (in no particular order, darn it!): Jan, Dave, Markus, Mike, JD, Rich, Morty, Shane, Eric, Bre, Jay, Alicia, Enric, Ted, Zadi, Stephanie, Ben, Gabe, Micheal M, Micheal V, Josh, Steve .... aaarrrrgghhhhh - that's just the tip of the iceberg...

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Vloggercon Today & Tomorrow

I'm heading over to vloggercon today - that's going to be great - it's sold out, about 400 people will be there - isn't that awesome?

Yesterday was setup and a Meet The Vloggers at the Apple store - again: so many totally cool people to talk to.

I'm taking my camera for sure.... and my eyes and ears!