Chris Ritke is thinking and writing...

...about this and that and some other things...

Friday, September 29, 2006

Podcastcon UK

Just got a message from Alex about Podcastcon UK - Jeez. I can't go. Too bad - it was sooooo much fun last year.

Register here.
When: Saturday 18 November 2006
Where: CCT Smithfield, London
Admission: £41.50

It started with PodcastCon UK 2005, which broke new ground as both Europe’s first podcasting conference and as the world’s first dedicated podcasting conference.

True to the independent spirit of podcasting, four people — who had never met in person — created a conference to bring together podcasters, enthusiasts, tech-watchers, the media and many others. It was a gathering as diverse as it was vibrant and entertaining.
What was originally envisioned as a handful of folks in a pub grew to a sponsored event in a posh London meeting room with 140 attendees gathered from all around the world. Live demos, speakers, and lots of social networking made it a day to remember.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Bid on a fictional character's tweed jacket on eBay!

I watched the 2nd episode of Chasing Windmills yesterday, where the guy puts a jacket on eBay. I hadn't thought of actually checking Ebay until a saw this post from Chuck Olson.

Now I put in a bid. Is this crazy or what?

Put in your own bid here!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Web two-oh: Stop the bickering

Just posted this comment over at Jack of All Blogs:
Yeah! I'm totally with you: Stop the bickering and get a life. Everybody. Just forget this stupid Web 2.0 crap and let's get on with the important stuff.

It won't be long and I'm going to start deleting a whole lot of feeds again. It's getting on my nerves big time.
